For a long time their was a massive licensing fee on clubs and venues in Sydney this meant that only the very big clubs in the city could afford to have a liquor license. On the other hand Melbounre has had low liquor licensing fees which has meant that a lot more smaller venues could have a liquor license.
I think this works as a great analogy for what social media does to a media landscape, it offers partons more options and it offers (music) artists more channels and a chance to grow slowly instead of having to break it in the big time first. Look to Sydney to start producing a number of better artist.
A little video that I made about the changes.
Dad’s mate Sam Kekovich on the Photon Group
My parent company Photon Group have come out with a great way to release the usually dry, Annual Report. All staff were sent the video and link to theAnnual Report website on Thursday. It is good to see that Dad doesn’t take himself too seriously and can have a joke.
The three best celebrity Social Media Marketers: Kanye West
Just for you Mark, Hip Hop inspired Social Media!
My three favourite social media stars: Obama, Souljah Boy and Kanye West.
Kanye not only has a popular blog
But he also walks the walk in Social Media Marketing, recently he released a track online, when the feedback was not complimentary (have a listen you will understand) he went back into the studio and remastered the song. That is a great example of Marketing Intelligence, using your core fans as your test market.
Here is a quick vlog on linking Social Media with Experiential Marketing.
My three favourite social media stars: Obama, Souljah Boy and Kanye West.
Kanye not only has a popular blog
But he also walks the walk in Social Media Marketing, recently he released a track online, when the feedback was not complimentary (have a listen you will understand) he went back into the studio and remastered the song. That is a great example of Marketing Intelligence, using your core fans as your test market.
Here is a quick vlog on linking Social Media with Experiential Marketing.
The Bloggers shall not take over! George Patts Y&R and Wunderman need your help!

This was the headline in a recently published AdNews article (AdNews is the top selling advertising magazine in Australia). It is really disappointing when bloggers are highlighted in this traditional media that they are painted as these people who want to take over and gain world domination.
There are a number of problems that I am going to address with article.
1. Us vs. Them
Bloggers are sick and tired of the US vs. THEM debate, we do not want to battle against traditional media. Blogs in a number of areas helps provide news about niche topics. E.g I am really interested in Social Media therefore I love AdNews and B&T for my general news but when I need more specific news on this topic then I will go to bloggers.
2. Bloggers are only news sources
The main argument was that the Top 100 bloggers link to traditional sources more than other sources, there are a number of other things that blogs can offer; a forum for discussion, putting forward ideas, expression outlet.
It does happen the other way as well, just this week B&T wrote a news story about a blog post that I did weeks ago.

3. Journalist are more professional
Here is a great example of point 2 and 3. Have a look at the way journalist for The Age Asher Moses treated blogger Laurel Papworth over her photos with the Uluru, Big Pond saga, can you now tell me who was professional in this situation?
4. Post it note
There is a rip off of a previous campaign, if you had read Bannerblog (Top 5 Australian Marketing Blog, ) you would of seen this before printing?!?!?!? There are plenty better examples
5. Read edit
6. Choose another subject
They could of chosen a number of other things to talk about. Why didn’t they talk about the way that bloggers fit into the new media environment, the best strategies to getting into contact with bloggers, tools that can be used to find the good sources of information in the blogosphere.
7. Video business models
How could you possibly write an article about video business models and not include the Google Ad Words, Seth Macfarlane (Family Guy Creator) and Burger King collaboration, talk about that business model that has been the most recent advancement in the area.
Why am I getting so fired up?
Because AdNews is a reputable source of information and they have shown a lack of
Edit: After talking with Ben, I realised that point 5 was actually a little too personal, therefore I have excluded it. Sometimes I get a little too fired up.
Someone broke my interwebs
Someone broke our interwebs and electronic mail at work, Vodafone are shit and my iPhone has been offline for 3 days, so I have been offline for the last 3 days, I have a billion and one emails to respond to and then the blog, so will be posting shortly. Pardon the delay.
This video sums up my feeling towards electronics at the moment.
This video sums up my feeling towards electronics at the moment.
Hack Petition Human Twitter 100's
1. The Hack Half Hour is a massive worry
Tune your television into ABC2 on Monday September 22nd ABC2 at 8:30PM as I am on the show talking about security and social networking sites.
2. Make Yourself Beautiful
I have signed the online petition for the ‘Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare’ you should too. Interesting use of the pen, it reminds me of the human usability of the iPhone (I don’t know if that sentence even make sense). Hat tip Adam from The BodyShop blog.
3. 30 seconds on humanising Brands
I suggests that we try to humanize brands? Cam suggests (in the Youtube comments section) brand managers are actually the ones humanising brands?
4. Twitter Addict
Alright after three attempts, I am now a full fledged Twitter convert!!!! Thanks Julia for the video
5. 100 Australian Marketing Blogs
Hot news on the Top 50 Australian Marketing Blogs, I am now tracking a 100+ blogs! I will also be ranking all 100 blogs.
Tune your television into ABC2 on Monday September 22nd ABC2 at 8:30PM as I am on the show talking about security and social networking sites.
2. Make Yourself Beautiful
I have signed the online petition for the ‘Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare’ you should too. Interesting use of the pen, it reminds me of the human usability of the iPhone (I don’t know if that sentence even make sense). Hat tip Adam from The BodyShop blog.
3. 30 seconds on humanising Brands
I suggests that we try to humanize brands? Cam suggests (in the Youtube comments section) brand managers are actually the ones humanising brands?
4. Twitter Addict
Alright after three attempts, I am now a full fledged Twitter convert!!!! Thanks Julia for the video
5. 100 Australian Marketing Blogs
Hot news on the Top 50 Australian Marketing Blogs, I am now tracking a 100+ blogs! I will also be ranking all 100 blogs.
Ethics: Bloggers referencing through Wikipedia?
I actually made this video the other day with my close friend Josh Strawczynski
Edit: Referencing your own blog fall outside of Wikipedia's reliable source rule, it would also fall foul of the important Conflict of Interest rules.
After making this video there came up some discussion around the ethics of blogging and referencing yourself through Wikipedia.
Some interesting news is that I got an email from Peter Wagstaff the other day
Edit: Referencing your own blog fall outside of Wikipedia's reliable source rule, it would also fall foul of the important Conflict of Interest rules.
After making this video there came up some discussion around the ethics of blogging and referencing yourself through Wikipedia.
Some interesting news is that I got an email from Peter Wagstaff the other day
As you may be aware, in mid-June I updated the wikipedia entry for Mother Energy Drink after reading Josh's posting on the issue in his CIIMS blog (Current Issues in Marketing Strategy) on 11 June. See and
On the 30th of July, somebody else edited the entry, removing the reference to CIIMS, and replacing it with a Fairfax newspaper report, dated 19 June, eight days LATER than Josh's report. The comment this
user made in wikipedia was that they were replacing a blog reference with a non-blog reference, as the original posting was from a "non-reliable source".
Today I have restored the reference to CIIMS, with a notation stating that a blog is as reliable, and sometimes MORE reliable than a newspaper, so the earlier reference should be retained.
It may be worthwhile reading wikipedia's definition of a "reliable source" at - do you think that this may need changing, given the rise of reliable bloggers?
What is Social Media Marketing? Marketing2.0
Regular Readers: This is the presentation I did for the Marketing 2.0 conference, If you have any questions feel free to shoot them at me. Thanks to everyone that helped.
All the readers from the Marketing 2.0 Conference: Welcome to my blog just click on the links below to see the examples. If you have any questions from the presentation feel free to write them in the comments section.
So the following are all the links to the material from my presentation.
Dell Hell (slide 6)
Dell Idea Storm (slide 7)
NAB Spamming story and video(slide 10)
Tiger Woods walking on water video (slide 11)
The Body Shop Blog (Slide 13)
Maybe Clemengers comments (slide 14)
Barack Obama sends text message (slide 15)
Other good resources to convince the boss of SMM
A list of Social Media/Community Managers
A list of 226 Companies who are doing Social Media Marketing
Wiki List of the Fortune 500 companies blogging (currently 62 companies)
228 Companies using Twitter (thanks for the link Katie)
All the readers from the Marketing 2.0 Conference: Welcome to my blog just click on the links below to see the examples. If you have any questions from the presentation feel free to write them in the comments section.
What is Social Media? Marketing 2.0 Conference, Sydney 17.09.08
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.
So the following are all the links to the material from my presentation.
Dell Hell (slide 6)
Dell Idea Storm (slide 7)
NAB Spamming story and video(slide 10)
Tiger Woods walking on water video (slide 11)
The Body Shop Blog (Slide 13)
Maybe Clemengers comments (slide 14)
Barack Obama sends text message (slide 15)
Other good resources to convince the boss of SMM
A list of Social Media/Community Managers
A list of 226 Companies who are doing Social Media Marketing
Wiki List of the Fortune 500 companies blogging (currently 62 companies)
228 Companies using Twitter (thanks for the link Katie)
Want to work for The Population?

We are currently looking for another person to join The Population team. I have used Gavin Heaton's SocialMediaJobs site to advertise the position of Social Media Executive, so check it out and if you know someone who would be good for the job make sure to pass their details on.
Trent from Punchy; monetising viral videos.
Melbourne Social Media BeerSphere
The Melbounre social media crew is well over due for a catch up. So I have proposed a beersphere (idea stolen from Faris).
The date has been set Sunday 28th September
The time has been set 2pm (that will give you enough time to work off the Grand Final party hangover)
The venue has been set St Jerome's (see map), 7 Caledonian Lane, City (City location, so there is no excuse why you should not be coming).
The following people will be invited
Zac Martin from Pigs Don’t Fly
Rick Clarke from I Hate Ads
Simon Oboler from Simon Says
Tannie from The Gruen Transfer
Darren Rowse from ProBlogger
Stan Lee from Brand DNA
Tait Ischia from The Wayfarer
Gerry McCusker from PR Disasters
Glenn Rogers from Pixel Paddock
Age from In my atmosphere
Alex White from Marketing Magazine
David Gillespie from Creative is not a department
Kate from The Zeitgeists
Joshua Strawcyznski from Current Issues in Marketing Strategy
Tamir from FRANKthoughts
Jasmin Tragas from Wonderwebby
Peter Wagstaff from Marketing Today
Jake Lawton and Nat Graf from Gen Y Marketing Podcast
Alisa Page and Phillip Greenwood from Marketing Geek
It is open invitation so all are welcome, so spread the word and lets have a cracking afternoon.
6 thoughts from Julian Cole's Brainbox
These could all be separate posts but just needed to get them out.
1. PRIA Panel
Speaking on a panel at the PRIA Conference ‘PR In the Fast Lane’, this afternoon with Laurel Papworth, Steven Noble and a number of other people. The conference is on what PR Agency will look like in the future. Market Cross is the first thing the jumps to my mind. If you have any ideas or good links I would love to check them out.
2. Jenni Beattie is awesome
A big thanks to Jenni Beattie who helped me out with the presentation for Marketing 2.0 conference, I decided to give her the complimentary ticket. Thanks a lot to Gordon Whitehead, Athan, Katherine Liew,Ben Cooper, Kelly, and Paul Wilson, ; if there is anything I can do for your guys, just let me know.
3. Melbourne Beersphere Meet Up
I am organizing a Melbourne Beersphere on the Sunday of Grand Final Weekend, I am going to invite all the bloggers, podcasters and just the generally interested. More details to come.
4. Sydney Social Media Meet Ups
If you are in Sydney and are not coming to the Friday morning Social Media breakfast meet ups then you are really missing out. 8AM, Single Origin Café, 60-64 Reservoir St, Surry Hills.
5. BK getting it right
I am really digging the latest media collaboration of Burger King with Seth MacFarlane. Great example of giving value back to the community by funding the awesomeness of Seth MacFarlane to make more work. What is your first impression?
6. Logo
We got pushed forward on the public launch of the company hence no website (we are building it at the moment). However we did just get our logo design, I like it, it has a bit of David Armano Ripple 2.0 feel about the ‘O’ of The Population.
I wanted it to have a feel of people gravitating towards an object, however also noting that everyone is different (with a different size of influence) hence the different sized red dots. I know you dont look into something that much but it is nice to have a little back story. The colour is a bit out too!
1. PRIA Panel
Speaking on a panel at the PRIA Conference ‘PR In the Fast Lane’, this afternoon with Laurel Papworth, Steven Noble and a number of other people. The conference is on what PR Agency will look like in the future. Market Cross is the first thing the jumps to my mind. If you have any ideas or good links I would love to check them out.
2. Jenni Beattie is awesome
A big thanks to Jenni Beattie who helped me out with the presentation for Marketing 2.0 conference, I decided to give her the complimentary ticket. Thanks a lot to Gordon Whitehead, Athan, Katherine Liew,Ben Cooper, Kelly, and Paul Wilson, ; if there is anything I can do for your guys, just let me know.
3. Melbourne Beersphere Meet Up
I am organizing a Melbourne Beersphere on the Sunday of Grand Final Weekend, I am going to invite all the bloggers, podcasters and just the generally interested. More details to come.
4. Sydney Social Media Meet Ups
If you are in Sydney and are not coming to the Friday morning Social Media breakfast meet ups then you are really missing out. 8AM, Single Origin Café, 60-64 Reservoir St, Surry Hills.
5. BK getting it right
I am really digging the latest media collaboration of Burger King with Seth MacFarlane. Great example of giving value back to the community by funding the awesomeness of Seth MacFarlane to make more work. What is your first impression?
6. Logo
We got pushed forward on the public launch of the company hence no website (we are building it at the moment). However we did just get our logo design, I like it, it has a bit of David Armano Ripple 2.0 feel about the ‘O’ of The Population.

Jenni Beattie,
Julian Cole,
Laurel Papworth,
Steven Noble
2008 Cntrl C/Cntrl V Agency Award
What happened to the Creative Agency people in Australia?
Oh, they are on Youtube.
This is an award recognising the best ‘copy/paste’ direct from Youtube efforts done by Australian Advertising Agencies.
There is nothing wrong with getting inspiration for an idea but directly ripping off an idea and not giving credit where it is due is another thing. So join with me and celebrate these great efforts and feel free to share other great examples.
3rd theBrandshop
With the disqualification of Droga5 brings theBrandshop up into 3rd place with their work for Cruios SkipHarder.
and for the Extreme Skipping
theBrandshops effort
2nd Clemenger BBDO
Selling Noodles was always going to be a tough sell. However Creative Director for Clems have stated ‘Rather than going after the mums like some of our competitors, our strategy was to target the user themselves."
When the target market found out that they were ripping off a Youtube clip, they were no where to be found?!?!
Clememnger BBDO effort
Pimp My Kettle Episode 1
And congratulations to
1st George Patts Y&R
Patts convinced everyone including the Cannes judges about being original thought leaders. George Patts Y&R stated to the Inspiration Room ‘It is the fruit of many peoples hard work and conviction.’
I can understand the hard work, there are millions of clips on Youtube it is hard work having to watch all of them.
Patts effort
George Patts, theBrandshop and Clems this is an open forum, please feel free to prove me wrong you have the right of reply on this one.
Edit: I originally had Droga5 and Ric Cantor up here for his efforts on VB Gold. Matt pointed out that Ric Cantor was actually the writer on the original Manstrokewoman piece so it would probably be better as collaboration rather than a direct Copy/Paste. I totally agree and am officially disqualifying them from the awards. Thanks, Matt and if anyone knows any backstory on the other cases please include. Check out the interesting conversation going on in the Youtube comments section.
In other news anyone who was wondering where the Top 50 list is, it is actually going to be coming out October 1.
Irony according to Julian Cole
Irony Part 1
Thanks for lunch Pimp My Kettle (I was walking through Central Station in Sydney when I came across the van)
Irony Part 2
Many people don’t know but my parents actually made television commercials for a full time gig. Thanks to Ad Agencies choosing to make Television Commercials I was able to gain a great education. Who would of thought I would of chosen to go down a career that would take money away from commercials and allocate it to initiatives which will actually drive more value to a company and its customers.
Sorry Mum and Dad, I wanted to follow in your footsteps but it just doesn't look like there will be that many opportunities in your industry : (
Julian Cole,
Mum and Dad,
Pimp My Kettle
Moving Jobs and Cities

After speaking only a month ago about the 2009 Australian Social Media Revolution being an article in the Australian Financial Review. It was great to see that the company (The Population) that I moved to Sydney to help form and work for, got a great feature in today’s AFR.
The Population will be Australia’s
This is a once in a lifetime opportunity which I believe will make up for everything that I had to give up in Melbourne including an amazing girlfriend, my close group of friends, my Masters degree and a close relationship with my family.
3 months on and 3 Video Annotations
3 months on from Youtube announcing Video Annotations and here is 3 examples of companies using Video Annotations. Think of it as your own Adspace Pioneers Blog Annotation, you can choose between 3 examples of video annotations.
1. Follow Your Instinct Samsung
You may want to put your young urban male sunglasses on to enjoy this one.
2. Italian Washing Powder 'Pril 7'
Anyone know Italian?
3. Find Kitty
This last one is a lil cop out, it is more SMP films showing how they could use this technology for your business. You have to find the their cat Sparta. Good luck.
Does anyone know any other examples of brands using Video Annotations?
1. Follow Your Instinct Samsung
You may want to put your young urban male sunglasses on to enjoy this one.
2. Italian Washing Powder 'Pril 7'
Anyone know Italian?
3. Find Kitty
This last one is a lil cop out, it is more SMP films showing how they could use this technology for your business. You have to find the their cat Sparta. Good luck.
Does anyone know any other examples of brands using Video Annotations?
video annotations,
Marketing 2.0 Conference Want to go? What should I speak about?
I am speaking on Wednesday 17th September at the Marketing 2.0 Conference and I was able to convince the organizer to give me a complimentary ticket (worth $2,960) to give away to my readers. It should be a good conference with International guest Rajat Chopra Director of Bell Canada , Mark Pollard Lead Digital Strategist from Leo Burnett and Campbell Sallabank CEO of LinkMe also speaking.
I have got 30 minutes to talk turkey, I am interested to know what you think the most interesting content I could speak to these Marketers (I am guessing a low knowledge of social media) about. Some potential areas;
Market Cross – Rules of Engagement
The Australian Social Media Revolution
NAB Spamming Stunt
The Social Media Marketing Framework (below)
Starting Conversations, Listening and Responding Online
What is social media?
The person who gives me the best idea for the conference, the ticket is all yours. I will choose next Tuesday (9th September) but most of all I really am just interested in your suggestion and help.
Presentation of Social Media Marketing Framework
I have got 30 minutes to talk turkey, I am interested to know what you think the most interesting content I could speak to these Marketers (I am guessing a low knowledge of social media) about. Some potential areas;
Market Cross – Rules of Engagement
The Australian Social Media Revolution
NAB Spamming Stunt
The Social Media Marketing Framework (below)
Starting Conversations, Listening and Responding Online
What is social media?
The person who gives me the best idea for the conference, the ticket is all yours. I will choose next Tuesday (9th September) but most of all I really am just interested in your suggestion and help.
Presentation of Social Media Marketing Framework
Market Cross - Bloggers and Brands Rules of Engagement
In medieval days when a town decided to set up a market they would erect a Market Cross. It acted as a reminder ‘not to defraud by cheapening’. It was a sign to traders to not be dishonest to locals and it was a sign to buyers to make sure they didn’t barter the traders so low that it was not worth returning for the traders.
I think at the moment we are going through a stage where we are creating an online Market Town. Companies (Traders) are seeing the value in the Australian blogosphere, they are interested in getting involved in the blogosphere but they are going about it in the wrong way most of the times.
I think we look to often at the bad things that companies do, rather than looking at what we can do as the residents in this town. I think it is time that we work on our market cross. That is why I have decided to set up a discussion on Aussie Bloggers Forum about trying to create some Rules of Engagement for both brands and bloggers. Please add to the discussion.
A minute VLOG on the new Marketplace
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