AC/DC the Corporate Blog (Part 1: Blogging like a Rockstar)

One of the major problems with a company creating a blog (Platform Creation) is that they expect a large audience that they are used to with buying traditional media space. The problem is that it doesn’t happen.

I think a great analogy for corporate blogs is a rock band. Take AC/DC for example, they didn’t start playing in front of 20,000 people at Festival Hall. They played at their local pub and over time they grew a large following. It is no different with corporate blogs. You need to give them time to find their audience. Read more about short term failings of blogs with this post at Pigs Dont Fly.

Read more about Platform Creation here


Unknown said...

I like it mate. Much like any relationship you need to get to know one another, then start talking, maintain the conversation and be interesting enough to come back to.... it is along road.

scgypsy said...

Like Bon said "It's a long way to the top if you want to Rock & Roll". His spirit lives on through songs like Don Coleman's "Women, Whiskey & Rock'n'Roll" which was recorded to celebrate Bon's life and spirit. The song started off small and is growing in numbers and one day will be in front of thousands of fans.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. We at Mahindra recently started our corporate blog ( and the initial response was not all that great. But traffic has been increasing steadily and things are beginning to look up. Was it similar with your blog as well?

AKTIFMAG said...

I cant wait to read what ANZ have to say...

no really