Cori Hodge on Erin McNaught's Ridge

Cori Hodge put me onto the recent backlash over Erin McNaught endorsements of Cockatoo Ridge. With the taglines of the outdoor campaigns being 'She loves a Cockatoo' Are consumers becoming to senstive torwards advertising?

Cockatoo Ridge is the name of the brand, it is the centre of their identity. What else are they meant to do?

I say good on them for getting the free publicity for the campaign and I think this whole debacle just stregthens the brand personality of being naughty and cheeky brand.


Zac Martin said...

Yes, it is a little McNaughty. Oh dear.

I don't really have a problem with it but I'm a little over the corny sex puns.

Anonymous said...

Haha! This ad is brilliant! A bit risque though so I can see why some don't like it...

Keep up the good work with your blog Julian! I've just started my own new blog, check it out at

Julian Cole said...

ahh rick good to see another monash student blogging. good luck with it all.
