If you were going to set up a blog, I would suggest October. I celebrated my second birthday the other day, Zac celebrated his first and a number of new blogs have just started on the Australian Marketing scene.
I just thought I would give some props to a few exciting Australian Marketing Blogs that have started up in this great month.
1. Stellar Blog- I just found this blog the other day, and they started with a cracking post on 'How to get coverage in the Social Pages'. I am really excited when I see blogs like this start up because it really shows that blogging is no longer just about digital marketing but being a news source for other forms of marketing as well.
2. Nick Christie Crocker (Way Cool Jnr) – Nick is carving out a great niche of social media music marketing. He has got some great post up already about 10 things we can learn from Coldplay email marketing. I also stole the name Blogtober from him. ;)
3. Adam Ferrier (Consumer Psychologist)- Adam is the reason that I started at Naked, and racks up more column inches in trade magazine then any other Marketer, for good reason too he has a lot on his mind and a lot of value to give.
4. Kate Richardson (Stickywood)- Kate was one of the many smart brains behind Sprite Truth Hunters, she is creating a voice for Branded Entertainment in Australia and her agency Stickywood. She actually had her first post in September but who is counting!
5. Daniel Oyston (The Oyster Project) - Killed it with a great post on new diet fads in Japan effecting the banana economy. He joins Stephen Collins in bringing fresh thinking from our nations capital, Canberra.
Anyone else start a blog in October?