The following are four reasons why most brands should change to a Facebook Page EDM strategy on the proviso their target market are there.
1. Recruitment
The recent Facebook Advertising Page upgrade have made it a very effective recruitment model, they now allow you to create Facebook Ads, with a ‘one click become a fan button’ functionality.

2. News Feed
Pages have now been upgraded so that you can update straight to fans news feed via a status updates.
3. Insights
When were you able to pull insights off the back end of your email database which gave you breakdowns of your audience like Facebook Insights?

4. One click subscription
If you did get insights like this, then you probably made them enter a number of fields and not just a one click subscribe button.
Great work Jules - I'd be interested to know what they were doing to promote their Facebook page before this. How active were they?
I love Facebook as an EDM solution because it's so easy, cost-effective, and as you pointed our, trackable. The problem is, as a channel it now suffers from the same clutter problems as email. EVERY band is on Facebook and every music fan faces a constant barrage of events, news and promos from the artists they're following. I'm struggling with the medium from an artist perspective and a fan perspective. Twitter is actually working well for me on all levels now because if you have to deal with clutter, you might as well use a medium that is purpose built for it!
Actually Jules, I'd love to see a follow-up post on how effective Facebook EDMs are for this client compared to what they've done in the past. Presumably they have benchmarks in place, I'd love to see the difference if any in actions taken compared to email, or other EDM mediums... Just a thought...
Hey Jules,
I remember asking you in your post "Facebook Pages vs Groups" how should I go about from scratch creating an extra cool Page… check what I came up with: www.facebook.com/backpackingmate for as close to free as possible!
Since launching (two weeks ago) the two coolest things I have found:
1. A random fan created a spin off “group” (unprompted) positively talking about our brand, actively asking other Fans to join.
2. I have evidence that accommodation has been booked as a direct result of info disseminated through my Page. (Hence it is not just a branding exercise… it has resulted in actual revenue!)
‘Word of mouth’ has always been extremely important in the backpacking industry, however in a social networking context it is amplified to the bullshit! Moreover it’s measurable (i.e. we can see it), it can be spread across more people, faster, and from different parts of the world. In this industry it is quite necessary to get to the customer before they have even left home! Since when was that possible… at this price?
This campaign has definitely increased our capability to promote our brand… but more importantly LEARN MORE about our core customer base.
I’m pretty pleased with the results (and love how measureable the interactions are)especially considering we are not a famous identity and at the end of the day sell a night’s sleep.
it's an interesting suggestion and a great post.
core issue is the same as edm ... it doesn't matter how big the list is, if they're not engaged and opening it's a waste.
how would this differ to a myspace presence? I know myspace doesn't offer the same data extraction but it SEO's pretty bloody well and offers the same basic CRM tools. I assume the audience is perceived to be different across the two.
natural question leading on from this is are the facebook fans incremental or the converted?
Hey Matt,
The clutter is a real problem but that is why I think it is important to have a content strategy in place, only put out valuable information and do not pump out spammy messages. We also analyse very carefully our unsubscribe rate as this is a great indication of what people do not want to hear.
I feel that Twitter is still in its early adopter stage in Australia (800,000+ members) as opposed to Facebook (6 million). I think it is great for reaching the key influencers however not for everyone, just yet. The other problem is that it does not have an advertising model in place which can help brands grow at a significant rate such as Facebook can.
Hey Lippy,
It is great to hear other people kicking goals with Facebook Pages. I saw your ad the other day and thought it was great. They are amazing results and I think that the backpacker market is just perfect for this type of marketing activity. It is great that you are seeing direct results for the company as well. I look forward to watching on with interest as the Page grows from strength to strength.
Hey Ben,
Are they engaging?
Once again we can only measure this information we are given. I think Facebook helps with this by creating tiers of engagement (small – like button, large – comment), so this helps to give an idea of how many people are consuming your message.
I really would like to come up with an approximate reach number for Facebook, similar to my number for Twitter.
How does this differ from Myspace?
Myspace does not have the intelligent advertising model for a fraction of the price (I should work in sales for FB ;) ). Facebook is allowing you to scale a massive recruiting strategies in a short amount of time Pringles Australia (190,000+ in 2 weeks) KFC Australia (90,000+ in 5 days), I never saw these numbers with Myspace.
However they are also working on a reasonable advertising model which allows even Joe’s Fish and Chip Shop to recruit a healthy sized number of fans for $100.
The other major thing is, the mainstream audience is just not on Myspace. However, if you are a brand that is targeting tweens then Myspace is the right vehicle. Just have a look at Short Stack and their success with connecting with an online tween audience.
Care to elaborate on your last question?
Jules, great to see you kicking goals like this. Do you have stats to share from any campaigns that don't have the longevity and breadth of audience that a band like Grinspoon brings to the table?
To Matt's point, I'd argue the experience of a band just starting out would be very different to the data against the Grinspoon example.
As much of a genius as you of course are ;]
Completely agree with you.
Actually I'd take it further, and say that 90% of the time FB pages can replace a landing page.
I know a few clients are taking this option very seriously, and I'd expect you'll see this happening more and more (I'm not talking campaign pages, I'm talking actual brand/product landing pages).
Anyway, I digress.
Real reason I'm commenting is because I love what you've done, and obviously your strategy is solid.
BUT...I've spent a lot of time in strategy meetings about how to grow FB numbers for clients (unfortunately not ones as cool as a band, so it can be a challenge), and there's a few FB regulations we seem to run up against.
The main one being that you can't run a promotion to drive members to the page. So it was interesting to see that it's exactly what your doing in your first example.
Did you look into this? Did you just decide to do it anyway? I think it's rather obvious that even though it is in the FB regulations, they're not too strict with it.
Do you think that as more and more brands take up this strategy, it could become a problem?
Hey David,
This was the strategy that we put forward to Grinspoon because we could see that there was a real gap between the number of Facebook fans and the actual fans that they have (we looked at the ARIA charts for this), we will be coming out with a white paper on this very soon. However in terms of smaller artist when we work with them which I hope we will in the future, I will be able to come up hopefully supporting the success for smaller bands.
Hey Nick,
That is the first I have heard about that regulation?!?! Why didn’t they stop the Pringles Australia recent advertising campaign? That was a promotion of winning the ultimate party with a 100 of your friends as the drawcard.
Also with the promotion/advertising we ran, ‘win a free signed copy of the new album’. That was related to the Grinspoon Trivia that we have been running on the page, we ask 6 questions about Grinspoon and the first person to get all six right wins a signed album. It is not a draw for anyone who becomes a fan of the group. All Facebook Advertising is screened by FB first so I think they would of picked it up if it is a problem.
Yes, I think that it will be a problem because advertisers will not get the great prices they are currently winning advertising slots for. For consumers, I don’t know, it seems people keep on increasing the number of fan pages they have so I cannot see a problem for it at the moment. Although brands that bombard people with messages could lead to people’s fatigue of branded pages.
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