Australian Marketing Bloggers, Raise your glasses to 2008

Australian Marketing Blogs just took a giant step forward with the recently departed Managing Editor of B&T Tim Burrowes starting the blog, Mumbrella. The site is in BETA and will launch in February, but it looks like it will be vying as a serious online industry news source up there with Campaign Brief and Marketing Mag, Adnews and B&T daily newsletters.

It has been a great year for Marketing Blogging, there have been a raft of new quality blogs, we have also had a lot of success with getting the Top 50 Marketing Pioneer Blogs published in traditional media, and seen an increase in the number of people at Friday Morning Social Media breakfast.

If you are not doing anything tonight you should come along and celebrate a great year at Sydney Christmas Beersphere.


  1. Thanks for the kind words, Julian.
    And feedback from anyone who has the time will be much appreciated - while I've written about marketing for a frighteningly long time in the print world, this is an entirely different discipline, so forgive me for any stumbles I make along the way!

  2. Yes yes yes! Finally. For so long, I haven't been able to believe that what you're attempting to do here, Tim, hasn't been done.

    Intra day updates, (hopefully) less establishment agenda articles ("Why agencies don't digital" type stuff - well, you do have that Naked PR piece up there - still toeing someone's agenda), long/short or whatever's required (not about print templates - but about information, quickly).

    And the reason you've been able to do it is because you don't have a business model... yet :) The local print mags are still attached to an old business model.

    Kidding - you may have a business model or may simply be about launching yourself out there, synidcating paid content, establishing events and getting on the speaker circuit.

    Either way, good luck, mate! Keep it quality!

    Digital strategy on Twitter

  3. Julian.
    I thought you were based in Melbourne. Must be incorrect. Is Beersphere operating in Sydney frequently?

  4. Hey Matt, it doesnt happen as often as I would hope. There is however a social media breakfast every Friday Morning at Single Origin Cafe, 66 Resevoir St, Surry Hills which is well worth coming along too. It starts at 8AM, you should come along.

    @mumbrella, no worries for kind words, you are writing good stuff. I look forward to watching the rise of Mumbrella and am keen to see the redesign in Feb.

    @Mark Pollard you dont waste time, straight to the punch! what the feck is the business model mumbrella?

  5. @Julian Fame-work+it+out-then+sell is a perfectly fine business strategy :)

  6. liking mumbrella so far, good content and opinion.
