4 Dimensions of Social Media Marketing: A Framework in BETA.

The following is a frame work of the four dimensions of Social Media Marketing. It is in BETA and would really appreciate your feedback and constructive criticism on how you find the model to describe the work of a Social Media Marketer.

Four Dimensions
There are four dimensions to how a marketer uses social media to help communicate with their customers. Those four dimensions are ‘Marketing Intelligence, Response Unit, Idea Propagation and Platform Creation.’ As you will see with this model Social Media Marketing is not a new concept - we have been practising a lot of the actions of a SMM for a number of years; however the new environment has changed the dimensions of social media marketing. This model should account for all SMM activity.

In general, the amount of time needed also increases with each dimension. The following steps have been broken down with a definition, the antecedents (the action that have led to this situation), traditional fields of marketing that the dimension is grounded within and an example of how to apply it.

Why have I created this table?
It is primarily a way for me to organize the material that I talk about on this blog. There is a lot of advice about social media marketing and having a framework will allow you to categorise the information into folders. To me it is like having a bundle of papers on your desk which talk about social media - this framework will act as a filing cabinet for the information to be stored within.

1. Marketing Intelligence-

‘The process of marketers discovering information about their product, market or business by reading content published by users’

With the lower barriers to producing content online with Web 2.0 tools (oh god I hate using that term) there has been an increase in users being able to post their opinion about products/industries or companies in a public forum. Users’ motivation for producing this content is usually to inform other users about the products and services they are using.

Traditional field of Marketing – Marketing Research
The online field has opened up a new avenue for Marketing Research. However, there are a number of differences to traditional Marketing Research.

1. Public information
The information is publicly available; therefore every marketer has the potential to reach this information.
2. Easily Accessible
The internet is accessible to anyone with a computer. Therefore a Marketer who wants to do some quick research will be able to.
3. Cheap
This information is in a public forum where it is freely accessible by anyone. Therefore the marketer is only paying in their time to find the information.
4. Buyer to Buyer Information
Product reviews/opinions published online from consumers gives marketers a great opportunity to see how buyers communicate the benefits and disadvantages of a product to one another.
5. Free from bias
The initial dialogue that is published online is free from a researcher’s bias.

Example – I hate Connex Facebook Group
Connex have got a number of sites where the user publishes information about their service. This information can actually be useful in showing what it is about the service which annoys customers the most. Connex can gain vital marketing information from reading the reviews people have published on the Facebook Group ‘I hate Connex’
There was also a Twitter feed that was set up to congregate information published about Connex.

2. Response Unit

‘Is basic response by a marketer to content that was published online by a user.’

With the rise of social media it has turned the internet from a one way communication medium to a two way communication channel. This has been done by creating tools which enable conversation. Such technology as having a comments section within Blogs allows people to create a conversation rather than just consume the information.

Traditional Field of Marketing – Customer Feedback
Response Unit is very similar to Customer Feedback channels such as a hotline telephone number. However there is a major difference between this traditional medium and online Response Units.

With an online response unit you are not just responding and communicating with one person but you have an audience watching you respond to this problem. With online, conversations are published for others to read at a future time. Therefore there is now an audience watching as your respond to customer feedback. You now have the power to inform a larger audience through your Response Unit activity.

Example - 1 employee from Connex/Veolia vs. A group of angry Bloggers
The following is an example of how a worker for Veolia the holding company for Connex responded to negative feedback about their recent advertising campaign. Great example of how a Response Unit activity should be implemented.

Idea Propagation

‘Is actively creating a product of value that can be used by social media participants and travel through social media channels’

Social Media allowed for individuals to set up channels of communication that rivaled traditional channels. Bloggers were the first to realize this power with the ability to command large audience consuming their content per day.

Now, sites such as Facebook allowed people to get in touch with their complete network of friends and communicate with them all at once. Where someone used to be able to tell 10 friends about a new product, they can now jump on Facebook and communicate this in their Status bar and tell 500 of their friends about it.

Traditional Fields of Marketing – Public Relations/Word Of Mouth
Idea Propagation is similar to the role of Public Relations in creating relationships with media outlets which can help get their message out to large audiences. However the main difference between traditional PR and Idea Propagation is that there is a now a large number of niche Channel Owners (Bloggers, Podcasters, Youtubers) which usually do not look at their channel as a business venture.

The second Traditional Field of Marketing that Idea Propagation borrows a lot of theory from is Word of Mouth Marketing. Word of Mouth Marketing concentrates on how ideas spread through a community. The advantage of online is that it is now easier to track the spread of an idea.

Examples of Idea PropagationDove and Australian Bloggers
Dove’s Go Fresh Promotion used Idea Propogation to launch their ‘Go Fresh Campaign’ using the new media channels of Australian Bloggers including Karen Cheng.

4. Platform Creation

‘Is creating a communications platform, or a channel within an existing platform, that can deliver content to an audience.’

With the ability for users to create their own channels of communication, it also gave companies this opportunity to speak directly with their consumers. Technology now allows us to reach an audience more economically than ever before.

Traditional fields of Marketing – Mass Media
Although not directly within Marketing, Platform Creation is closely linked to the literature on Mass Media. It is now the job of the company to create content that is engaging for the user. Where companies could previously only buy a share of audience time through media sales, companies now need to be able to both produce content and integrate their brand message within this content.

Examples- Blendtec
Blendtec, the blender company created a communication platform with their product
engaging ‘Will it Blend’ videos on Youtube.

‘Is every piece of information about the company and its environment that reaches the user, either intentional or unintentional’

The stimulus is every interaction that a company has with a consumer. This includes its advertising, products, store personnel and website. In the case of Connex, the stimuli are the actual experience of riding the train, dealing with the Connex workers and the advertising campaigns that they have. It is these interactions that cause the consumer to decide to publish information on the company.

For example, people set up the Facebook group ‘We hate Connex’ in reaction to the stimulus of them receiving a bad service from the company. Stan Lee decided to write a blog post on the advertising of Connex/Veoilia after seeing the print advertising campaign.


  1. Gold, this looks very much like your corner piece or foundation stone as I like to call it. Very well done

  2. Good work, Jules, looks robust!

    Only thing I can think of is when you talk about the use of social media as a market research tool you could mention that it's very unscientific compared to traditional market research!

  3. Your initial concept is flawed:

    "There are four dimensions to how a marketer uses social media to help communicate with their customers."

    1. There are more than simply 4.
    2. A marketer doesn't use 'social media,' the social network decides and then the marketer takes advantage of that knowledge to market.
    3. "...with their customers..." is old school. Everyone is a consumer, and yet we all get to take our business elsewhere.

    It's as simple as that.

  4. And, btw, it wasn't 8:25 am EST when I posted my comment.

    Apparently, you have a lot of work to do. I'd start with time and space, and then work from there.

  5. Oh yeah and 8.25 it was 8.25 because I was watching you at the time.

  6. @anonymous I love when the voice of anonymous comments. I think for the activities that marketers use social media for there is currently only 4 dimensions. Can you mention any other activity that could not fall under one of these categories?
    You know there is a difference between customer and consumer?
    The customer is the person who buys the product and the consumer is the end consumer of the product. When your mother buys you a chocolate bar and you eat it. She is the customer and you are the consumer. Customer is not old school it is still very relevant! But you make a good point, I do need to change customer to another word, any suggestions?
    8:25AM is Melbourne, Australian time. So for as long as I am not living in America or Europe, I am going to keep it that way.
    Anonymous, I put the question back on you ‘What activities does Social Media Marketer perform which could not fit under these dimensions?’

    @Josh thanks so much for the words of confidence

    @Rick thanks make I will put those unscientific changes in.

  7. Hey Jules,

    great to finally see this - where did you duck out to at PubCamp? Part of me doesn't blame you mate ;-)

    I had lots of thoughts on your fantastic framework, but I'll pop a few here and we can discuss it further somewhere eles (beer? coffee?). Apologies if they don't make as much sense as they could - it is actually 8:25pm here:

    1. Where in your framework is there room for a feedback loop? What I mean is, you might like to think about a way in which the marketer is also modifying the strategy in response to evolving nature of a social media campaign.

    2. Points 1, 2 and 3 of Marketing Intelligence are quite similar. Perhaps you could find an umbrella term for these?

    3. What about the term 'Channel monitoring' to describe the Marketing Intelligence dimension of the framework? I think it better captures the idea that a marketer is actually doing something, i.e. monitoring.

    Just a few points as I said, but I've got lots more thoughts on the subject. Great job getting this out ther ein BETA, now let's see what the social media community does with it!

  8. I LIKE THIS mate. It's a good framework of engagement.

  9. Love the social media marketing framework and would love to see an expansion of your point in Marketing Intelligence that it's "Cheap -
    This information is in a public forum where it is freely accessible by anyone. Therefore the marketer is only paying in their time to find the information." True, it's easy to get at the information, however, there's so much, it takes time to collect, categorize, and distill it all. There are simple online tools (Googling your brand name would be the simplest) and software service solutions like BuzzLogic and Buzzmetrics but even then it still takes a human being to interpret and use the information. Or is there another way I've missed? Social media marketing is turning into a practice discipline unto itself. Looks like marketing intelligence might become a full-time job or at least a sub-practice.

  10. Hey Jason, glad to hear that you are a fan of the framework!

    I think you are right on the money it does require a full analytst to have someone analyse these comments. But it all depends on the results that you are after.

    You are not paying participants for their time therefore you will be saving time there, however the disadvantage to this is that you cannot control the conversation, you only have the opportunity to listen and not direct.

    It is now making marketing research a little more achievable for small businesses as well. If yopu are a business that is money poor and time rich then social media is great for you because you do not have to pay for a marketing research company. You can find rich information online about your industry or product line.

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  93. As a QuickBooks user, we know your pain when you encounter any error in this accounting software. One of the most common troubles that we hear from our clients is QuickBooks error 80029c4a which occurs due to a corrupted Dynamic Link Library file. QuickBooks is just like a piece of software that requires some essential files to run and when a DLL file goes missing then that resonates error 80029C4A. Another possible reason that leads to the problem is the QuickBooks file has been quarantined by your antivirus program. Are you also facing QuickBooks error code 80029c4a? If yes, then we would suggest you take immediate assistance from experts. They will help you get rid of this problem by either repairing the QuickBooks installation on reconfiguring your antivirus program and if needed performing a fresh installation of QuickBooks.

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  142. Users have often encountered QuickBooks Error 179 when they try to access their bank accounts in QuickBooks Desktop. There are many more causes you can see around the web: other accounts have not updated their balance sheets, errors in QuickBooks company files, bills and invoices have negative values. You can follow this short guide for easy fixation of the issue. You can also connect to our QuickBooks Professionals by dialing this toll-free number 1.800.579.0391
    if you have some queries.


  143. You can get QuickBooks Error 80070057 when you try to connect your company file with the server over a network. Some of the basic troubleshooting steps you can take: use QuickBooks clean install tool, verify QuickBooks company file and its extension, run QuickBooks file doctor tool. For advanced solutions, you can go through this short guide. If you still require some help then do not hesitate to call us at our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391, our Accounting Professionals will aid you whenever you need it.

  144. QuickBooks Error OL 221 might pop up on your computer screen when you try to update bank accounts using online services in QuickBooks. This issue is commonly addressed as bank feed error code OL-221. There are various causes you can find around the web: if you have a network issue in QuickBooks, you use an outdated QuickBooks Application. For more details, you can go through this short article. If you still go the issue then do connect with our QuickBooks Professional by dialing this number 1.800.579.0391


  145. It can be possible that you can lose your company file or crucial data if you are getting QuickBooks Black and white screen issue in QuickBooks. Many reasons are causing this problem: your video drivers have become outdated and are not compatible with QB Desktop, screen resolution is set incorrectly, if your system's graphic card is damaged somehow. You can easily fix this issue by going through this short guide. If you need support from QuickBooks Expert in fixing this problem then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391

  146. QuickBooks Error 12002 is a kind of network error that prevents QuickBooks from accessing the server. There are also other reasons behind QuickBooks Error 12002: incorrect SSL setting in the browser can lead to this issue, the firewall may cause a problem with the connection, you have to set IE as your default browser. For easy solutions, you can go through this short guide. If you need additional help resolving the issue then you can dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 and have a chat with our Accounting Experts.

  147. You can commonly face QuickBooks Outlook Email Not Working when you try to send an invoice to the clients through QuickBooks. Several other reasons can produce this error: you have incorrect email settings in QuickBooks, the QuickBooks installation is damaged or corrupted, one of the .dll files of QuickBooks is damaged. For more information you can go through this short article we have written. For extra support, you can reach out to our QuickBooks Professionals by dialing this toll-free number 1.800.579.0391

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  149. Very often you can find close yourself to QuickBooks Error OL 301 if you are having a connection problem with the financial institution when using direct connect in QuickBooks. There are also a lot of reasons which you have or have not encountered yet: It can occur because of inactive status and blocked accounts, if the bank has undergone server maintenance, your identity is not confirmed by the bank. For these issues, we have prepared a perfect guide for you so that you can easily fix the error. For additional help from QuickBooks Professionals dial 1.800.579.0391

  150. You can see QuickBooks Error 185 if you fail for multi-factor authentication in QuickBooks Application. There are several other issues giving rise to this error, you can have a look at them: if you have provided incomplete information to the bank for further verification, there can be a connection issue between QuickBooks Desktop and the banking servers. You can go through this detailed guide if you need additional information to fix the error. If you need extra support then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 and our QuickBooks Professional will be happy to guide you.

  151. You might face QuickBooks Error 12031 in QB Desktop if you try to refresh QuickBooks Software or QuickBooks Payroll Services. There are many causes behind QuickBooks Error 12031: if QuickBooks Program is having some network issues, when internet explorer is not set as a default browser, if the SSL settings are misconfigured or not properly set up. Go through this short article if you want to know more and execute some working methods. For additional help reach out to our QuickBooks Professionals Team by dialing this number 1.800.579.0391

  152. QuickBooks Error 12029 might be displayed on your computer screen when QuickBooks Application finds any difficulty connecting to the servers. Several issues can cause this error: if your firewall is interfering with QuickBooks to access the server, if QuickBooks Program fails to connect to the network, if the server is blocked somehow. For more details, you can follow this short guide we have prepared for you. If you have any difficulty executing the steps then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 and get advice from QuickBooks Professionals.


  153. QuickBooks often finds difficulty in connecting to the server because of misconfigured internet settings and throws QuickBooks Error 12152. There are a lot of issues that cause this error, take a look at some of the mentioned: if you are using an older version of QuickBooks Program, QuickBooks and Windows API keys mismatch, corrupted QuickBooks Program registry. For more information you can go through this short guide we have here. If you require additional help then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 to reach out to our Accounting Professionals.


  154. While using QuickBooks multi-user mode you might encounter QuickBooks Error 6177 when opening a company file. The main reason behind this issue is that QuickBooks has to use a path to open the file, if it does not find it then it may not open the company file and pops up with the QuickBooks Error Code -6177 0. If you want to use the advanced troubleshooting steps to resolve the error then do follow this short guide. For extra support our Accounting Professionals are always ready, just dial this number 1.800.579.0391

  155. You shall get QuickBooks Error 6010 if any third-party program is interfering with the functioning of your QuickBooks Program. Most often you can see there is an antivirus program installed on the system which is conflicting with the QuickBooks Application or a malicious program deletes the important QuickBooks registries. If you want to resolve the error on your own then follow this linked guide. If you need additional help resolving the issue then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 and our Accounting Experts will be ready for your aid.

  156. You may encounter QuickBooks Error 557 if your QuickBooks Application is not working up to the mark. It generally happens because of the improper shutdown of the computer system. There are also other reasons causing this issue: if you have by mistake detailed the QuickBooks directory file, if the QuickBooks installation has interfered. For more information, you can go through this short article. If you need any help in troubleshooting the error then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391 and have a chat with our Accounting Experts.

  157. The QuickBooks online provides the best and most affordable pricing. It has a wide range of accounting features you can use and it is the best pick for small organizations as they may rely on it. You can send invoices and payments, it has support for unlimited clients and a free trial of 30 days. Besides the efficiency, it encounters some issues like the "QuickBooks Online Not Working" issue. You can follow this linked guide if you want to know and fix the error. You can also dial our number 1.800.579.0391 and ask for help from our QuickBooks Experts.

  158. You might face Quickbooks fatal Error when you try to process a batch invoice in QuickBooks Program. Several other causes support this issue: if your QuickBooks company file has been corrupted somehow, if you are having some network issues, QuickBooks installation files are damaged. To get all the information about how to fix this error with easy solutions you can follow this guide. Consult a QuickBooks Professional if you need extra support resolving the error by dialing this number 1.800.579.0391

  159. QuickBooks Error 6073 belongs to one of the issues caused when you try to open the QuickBooks Company file. Several other causes are responsible for this error: the company file is located on another network, when the user opens the company file on another system in single-user mode. If you would like to know the error much better then you should follow this short guide. If you need extra support from our QuickBooks Professionals then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391.


  160. You might be seeing Quickbooks Error 193 if you are not able to start the QuickBooksDB27 service manually or automatically. Various reasons are responsible for this issue: if you have the same department codes in your QuickBooks Desktop, if you try to open a deleted or merged customer names, damaged .Qbt files in QuickBooks Database. You are at the perfect place if you need effective troubleshooting solutions. If you require additional help from our Accounting Experts then dial our toll-free number 1.800.579.0391

  161. You might get QuickBooks Error 184 if you try to open a company file or if you are generating the reports in QuickBooks. Multiple problems are faced by the QuickBooks users, take a look at some of these: if either of .ND or .TLG files is corrupted, if the reporting dates does not match to the leap year, if QB is not properly installed on the computer system. To get the effective solutions you can follow this short guide. If you need any help from our QuickBooks Professionals then dial this number 1.800.579.0391


  162. QuickBooks Error 1935 is a kind of installation issue when you try to install a program and QuickBooks is still running at the window startup. Our advice to tackle this error is that you should first let open the QuickBooks and then install any other software. QuickBooks is often conflicting with the other programs so you should either run QuickBooks or install the program. To put an end to this problem you should follow this short guide we have written. Dial this number 1.800.579.0391 if you need additional support from our QuickBooks Professionals.

