5 examples of Behavioural Change and Marketing Opportunities realised from Social Media Platforms

‘Social Media Marketers need to start talking to Marketers about the behavioural changes that occur from Social Media Platforms rather than the nuts and bolts of the technology.’ Tony Thomas

Last night, I was a guest lecturer at the ADMA Certificate in Digital Marketing, I was asked to talk about the Social Media platforms, so instead of talking about the specifics of every platform I talked about the Behavioural changes and Marketing Opportunities that those platforms have.

Here are the definition for the Behaviour and Marketing Opportunity.

Behaviour- Is why do people use the technology? How has it impacted that the way they interact with friends and brands. I based this loosely off Blumer and Katz Uses and Gratification of Media Theory via my Thesis

Marketing Opportunity – Where does the opportunity lie for brands to interact with people.

And the examples

Broadcast->Customer Service

Information Source -> Sales
AmazonMP3 Sales

Information -> Brand Positioning
BodyShop Blog

Entertainment/Diversion -> Branded Entertainment

Communication/Self Image -> Communication/Conspicuous Consumption

I would love your feedback on this or any other examples you have.


  1. blendtech is such a classic example of using free digital media to your advantage. Everyone i have shown it to is impressed and want that particular blender, why? they can see it works + it is cool (even for a blender)

  2. There are many marketing opportunities when it comes to social media platforms. There are thousands of people earning good money from this.

  3. the post is really interesting. the idea and the content is good.

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