Hatching the Australian Social Media Revolution w/ Joseph Jaffe

My new BFF Joseph Jaffe (sorry Zac) is coming to town. The king of the Social Media will be sitting down and helping us hatch a plan to start the Australian Social Media Marketing Revolution.

There will be some local heavyweights there too, Gavin Heaton (arguably the leading thinker in Social Media Marketing), Scott Drummond (Online Editor of Marketing Magazine) and I am sure Top 10 Aussie Marketing Bloggers Laurel Papworth and Katie Chatfield will be attending too.

So in the famous words of Australian Hip Hop Juggernauts Hilltop Hoods,
‘ We have a whole lotta superstars on this stage here tonight.‘
The stage is set, Blue Hotel Bar Woollmooloo,Sydney, the time is set Tuesday August 19th (9:30pm), come along and help shape the revolution.

Hilltop Hoods - The Blue Blooded


  1. Hey Julian, what's the event? I'm in Brisvegas but it sounds interesting and I might pop down. Is it an official forum or just some bloggers meeting in a bar? (Or something in between?)

  2. Hi Julian, I saw you present on Tuesday at the AIMIA social media workshop and i must say i was inspired.

    I am really interested in coming along to your 'social media revolution' event - is it a open meeting?

    Also to confirm the date - the 29th August is a friday? so is it Friday 29th or Tuesday 26th?


  3. Zoe, thanks for the pick up on that. It is next Tuesday (19th) and it is a open meeting and would be great to catch up.

    Matt, Joseph just wanted to meet up for a beer with some local social media heads. But I am taking it as a great chance to pick the brains of a guy who helped shape the American SMM Environment and get some ideas of how collectively we can push this forward.

    My framework for Social Media Marketing was actually conceived through a beer catch up with my Monash mates. So i really see the value in these beer catch ups. Anyway I would love to catch up for a beer with you and talk turkey about PimpMyKettle etc. Come down it will be a good night.

    Beer catch ups = social media
    Conferences/Presentations = broadcast media ☺

  4. Ah OK, next Tuesday the 18th is quite different from Friday the 29th! Eek. I don't know if I can swing it at that short notice. I'll try though, keep me posted of other events/beer-catchups in future though! David Gillespie (Creative is Not a Department) is a really good mutual friend of mine so I'm often down in Melbourne yakking with him...

  5. Oh man, David is a champion! We will have to organise a Melbourne Catch Up too! I am back every second weekend in Melbourne so that would be very possible.

  6. Hmmm, 9.30pm kick off at event 2 hours from home on a school night. On the other hand...beer and social media marketing royalty. Maybe I should make the effort and drive down the F3.

  7. Oh I've promised to be good on school nights *wails* but if someone buys me a shandy and peanuts...? :)

  8. Laurel, I think we are big enough kids to stay up late on a school night. How do you like your shandies?

  9. Craig you have got to make the drive, you are totally right, how many times do you get to meet Social Media Royalty? Plus I think we are overdue for a chat and a beer.

    Laurel, one Shandy on me!

  10. Hi Julian. I saw you present on Tuesday at the AIMIA social media workshop. You really got me thinking...I work with Zoe and would love to come to the social media revolution event. I just started blogging at http://www.deathbydigital.blogspot.com. Look forward to having a chat about the Pimp My Kettle fiasco on Tuesday. Cheers, Paul.

  11. Hey Paul, awesome to see you have picked up the digital pen and decided to start blogging, it is a rewarding and addictive experience. Look forward to meeting up and having a chat about Pimp My Kettle.
