5min video - Social Media Marketing Framework

Here is the video version of my framework for Social Media Marketing. A big thanks to Peter Wagstaff of the Marketing Today Podcast who spent many hours slaving away editing this beast of work for me, it looks great!!!

If you have any positive or negative feedback on the model please let me know as it is still in BETA.


  1. This video is a really great way to explain the model. Good initiative, but I think perhaps the model itself could have some better looking graphics?

    Good work.

  2. Julian...you are a legend of the internets.

  3. Julian ... nice start, but there needs to be a corresponding or intersecting framework that takes the community/consumer point of view. This model is another form of broadcast.

  4. How do you think an organisation like Connex can address a negative facebook group like "I hate connex"? Do you have any examples where a company has entered such a negative social group and worked to its advantage?

  5. Hey Gavin thanks for the Dell Hell tip to Anonymous.

    I was just wondering, Do you think that there needs to be a model for the consumer or community point of view if you are looking at the activity a Marketer performs within Social Media.

    Marketing Intelligence also does not come under the banner of broadcast media, this step involves gathering information from the consumer to tailor products and services that they produce.

    Thanks for the feedback on the model. :)

  6. Thanks Gavin I am aware of the "Dell Hell" example in which Dell took a beating on its share price. It took years for Dell to work towards a solution like IdeaStorm for Dell. Isn't part of addressing a social network listening to the customer and not taking short cuts. It seems to me that some of the comments being made reflect that you would like Connex to act now. I don't disagree with you that Connex need to address Facebook I just think you are a little naive if you think that rolling out a framework for a social network or customer service interface can be completed in the short term. Thanks again for the video.

  7. Anonymous, I completely agree part of addressing social networks is listening to the customer and not taking short cuts, that is what I have defined as ‘Marketing Intelligence.’

    To explain in more detail what my suggestion to Connex would be, is to extend the job role of someone in the Customer Service department, their role would involve answering the questions of customers in social media environments. In terms of addressing the Facebook group this would involve setting up a Discussion Board topic(with the consent from the Group Admin), which would give people the opportunity to ask questions to Connex. Obviously you are going to get a lot of people slagging off Connex in this area but you will also be getting valid questions. These questions would be answered.

    This would not be a short term solution and would give users another area to interact with the brand. Companies can no longer think that it is the job of the consumer to find them, traditional avenues of customer service must be available but Customer Service departments must also be proactive in meeting the customers where they want to talk. This is no different from their strategy they have at the moment where people can meet Connex Managers at train stations around Melbourne. The only difference is that online, 1. People can ask questions at any time, 2. The conversation are recorded and published in a public which will add to the information available to make a more sound judgment of the company.

    Dell Idea Storm is a great service! However there are a number of reason why suggesting Dell 2008 strategy of Response Unit would not be correct.

    I would suggest that there is a number of similarties between Connex 2008 social media environment and Dell 2004 environment (circa Dell Hell debacle). The online communities are these stages were still in a formative stage.

    The online community developed around Dell right now is more established for a number of reasons, a technology brand will be more advanced than a public transport product. There is a reason 6 of the Top 10 Technorati Blogs are technology based. America is more established in terms of social media uptake than Australia. It is for this reason that I think a Facebook Discussion Topic would be the right solution right now.

  8. Thanks Julian for the clarification an detailed response.

    -What aktifmag said..

  9. Julian thanks for the social media marketing framework it looks good.

    You might also be interested in seeing the Online Engagement Cycle that I created two years ago during my time as Online Research Manager at Network PR.

    The cycle includes some similar elements - but also ensures continuous refinement due to its cyclical nature and also adds SEO to the mix.

    We used the cycle successfully with a wide range of clients.


    Jenni Beattie
    Senior Digital Consultant
    The Leading Edge

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  11. Hey Jenni,

    I love the cycle of this model, I think that is one of the limitations of my model. How did you find it selling this model to clients? Did they pick it up easily? What were the barriers?


  12. Julian,

    The Online Engagement Cycle was easily understood by the clients.

    While each client need was different each element of the cycle: Research, content creation, optimisation, engage, monitor and evaluate was undertaken in differing degrees/emphasis.

    The key to working in the social media space was to spend a large amount of time in the Research phase of the work - listening - rather than jumping in.

    In addition, the Monitor and Evaluate element ensured continued improvement and adaptation with the consumer not company at the centre.


  13. Julian,

    The Online Engagement Cycle was easily understood by the clients.

    While each client need was different each element of the cycle: Research, content creation, optimisation, engage, monitor and evaluate was undertaken in differing degrees/emphasis.

    The key to working in the social media space was to spend a large amount of time in the Research phase of the work - listening - rather than jumping in.

    In addition, the Monitor and Evaluate element ensured continued improvement and adaptation with the consumer not company at the centre.


  14. That is good to know that you didn’t feel too much resistance from clients.

    I think that a lot of Marketers feel they need to jump into the deep end of social media. Utilising the power of Social Media for Marketers will not just seen in the Advertising arm, but will also benefit Market Research (Marketing Intelligence/Listening) Department, Research and Development (Monitor and Evaluate).

    It is exciting times : )
