My vote is in New Media hands!

Consumer Generated Content - Axis of Awesome : Howard vs. Rudd, by mWboo6

Online is my future; I have invested a year studying the phenomena with my thesis on Online Social Networks and am going into a full time job working in it.

Therefore I have decided that my vote in the up coming Australian election will be based solely on the party that is best able to communicate with the Australian public online.

However I will not be passing judgement, I am leaving the choice up to the readers of Adspace-Pioneers. I will ask readers to vote for which party they believe joins the conversation, has the best grass roots online community and gives the best back to basic information needed to make the decision. As I am going away the decision will be made on November 11th.

The following are definitions of the three items that I want people to vote on and the information that they need to pass judgement on;

Joining the Conversation – Which party is best at joining the conversation, social media is giving politicians the chance to have a conversation with

Kevin Rudd’s Facebook Page

Australian Labor Youtube Channel

Kevin Rudd’s Myspace Page

John Howards Facebook Page

John Howard 2007 Youtube Channel


Bob Brown’s Facebook Page

Senator Bob Brown Youtube Channel

Lyn Allison Facebook Page

Lyn Allison Youtube Channel

Grass Roots Online Community – What party has got the best online community working for them, which groups has the most active facebook groups, bloggers, causing the most noise.


Facebook Group – I want to be Kevin Rudd’s friend too

Prominent Blogger
Connect Through Values
John Quiggin
Anonymous Lefty
Bolt Watch
Possum Comitatus
Fair news

Facebook Group – Kevin Rudd Will Ruin Australia

Prominent Blogger
Andrew Norton
Oz Conservative
Catallaxy Files
Tim Blair

Facebook Group – Bob Brown for PM

Prominent Blogger
Greens Blog

Back to basic Information – What party gives the individual the information that they need, to make an informed decisions.

Home Site-
Kevin 07

Home Site

Home Site

Home Site

Please put your votes for the four categories in the comments below


  1. Kevin 07 baby! He has the balance right! Maintenance of the economy while investing into out future and improving hospitals, education, social security and the environment!

  2. Overall, I'm going to say that the Kevin 07 campaign far exceeds Howard's pathetic attempt at using YouTube.

    But I'm voting Greens.

  3. Don't forget they all have Twitter accounts too. I think that a couple of them could even be legit.

  4. Hey Gavin,

    I had not seen there twitters, I will have to check it out. Thanks for the heads up!


  5. I think Twitter accounts are a waste of time, regarding the 2007 Election anyway. That's of course if they are legitimate, but the popularity it has in the US hasn't reached Australia yet.

  6. Gotta agree with you Marty. I think it was the way that it was introduced in Australia. Facebook was used introduced first and then came Twitter, there was no use with the Status Bar doing the same thing.

  7. No way!! the liberals have by far the best campaign.. Kevin Rudd just sounds like a tool.

  8. I've looked at a bunch of the politicians' FaceBook & MySpace pages you linked.

    They are a crock, right?

    Does anyone believe Howard & Rudd themselves, after a hard day of talking the talk,are sitting down at their PCS, and logging on to update their FaceBook accounts?

    Rudd's MySpace design is so slick it doesn't even look like a MySpace page.

    I find the whole exercise a pathetic sham.
