I got passed this ad from a friend. So I am guessing this definitely had gone viral because this product category is quite irrelevant to me. However it is a really great way to show how to make an effective advertised viral.
You cannot make ads like they were on television, it is much easier for a person to turn offon youtube, they just change to 1 of 1,000 other channels. The advertised message should be intertwined into the video. You have to make sure that you hook the audience before giving them the message.
Set the story up (hook) ---- give the message --- knock em down with the ending and make it viral.
The Haggar ads are great example of how to use this formula, they have set the scene up with what they are going to do and then they give you the information about the product and then you get the reward for watching. In the example of the dog poo they tell you what they are going to do, tell you about the reliability of the pants and then hit you with the entertaining ending.
If they had put it at the end the viewer will just switch off. Putting it at the start people will get bored and not want to watch. Slicing it in the middle people are committed to the story.
The effective was to go viral is simple;
Set the story up (hook) ---- give the message --- knock em down with the ending and make it viral.
Here are some other Haggar Ads
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