Second half of the argument pro Ambient Plus InShop Ambient

Carrying on from the debate I had last week about the pro’s and con’s of ambient here is the second installment of the debate;

2. You are not getting nearly enough views as traditional media

It is all about segmentation of the market. We were looking at the example below for Pantene shop door advertising; he started talking about the how you are only getting the people walking into the store.

Well yes he was correct, you are only getting the people walking in to the store but these people are at the right stage of the buying process they are going into the store to buy products, so you are hitting them with this great cut through advertising just before they are about to give some money over to the chemist.

Here is a collection of in shop ambient campaigns Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The second one here is a great one for Men's Magazine Che in the USA
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The Third one is for a light whipped cream company which puts a mouth at the end of the supermarket conveyer belt. This is the first time i have seen this space being used.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


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