Bathroom Pioneers

Bathroom Advertising Pioneers

The following is a great collection of advertising space that are cutting through to the consumer in the toliet. A great space to be with target consumer having nothing better to do than sit round and pay attention to your message.

The first one advertising Kill Bill Movie. I am not to sure if the image of blood would illicit negative connotations with the movie.

The use of the soap dispenser in the next ad, I do not know what it is promoting dont know if they would be able to get away with this in Australia too.

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From New Zealand the stickers are placed in mens urinals. When the sticker come in touch with urine they reveal the sticker of 'If you drink then drive you are a bloody idiot.' When flushed with clean water they are covered with black again.

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Quirky advertisement for woman to get Brazillians. The ad is placed conveniently under the basins


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